3 Ways to Prepare Your Car for Driving in Winter Weather – Car Insurance Orrville, OH


Car Insurance Orrville, OH

1) Check Your Tire Pressure

During the winter months, cold temperatures can reduce your tire pressure more quickly. This can impact your vehicle's handling and add dangerous risk to your day-to-day driving. Check your tire pressure frequently and fill up.

2) Windshield Wipers and Lights

Make sure your wiper fluid is full and your wipers are in good condition to handle any winter debris, on your windshield, that could impact visibility. Also, check all your lights to make sure they're bright and visible.

1) Overall Vehicle Maintenance

Take your vehicle to your local mechanic for maintenance so you can be certain everything is in working order. 

TIG Insurance is your local car insurance agency in Orrville, OH. Drive with peace of mind this winter and get your free quote today.